
Friday, 28 September 2012

Tips to Prevent Hair Loss

Gone are the days when girls had hair like Rapunzel. The busy life style makes people to keep their hair short and clean. However, the increase in pollution and intake of fast food has also contributed to hair loss. 95% of hair loss is genetic and it is really tough to cure them but if hair loss is due to other factors like nutrition, hormonal deficiencies, overuse of cosmetics, emotional stress etc. then there are chances that it can be controlled to some extent.

Some effective tips are as follows:

  1. Oil your hair and if possible go for hot oil therapy, also wash your hair with warm water and use a deep conditioner.
  2. Lack of vitamins like Vitamin A and E can cause hair loss. Therefore it is recommended to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables included and do remember to drink at least 8 glass of water daily.
  3. Good health contributes to healthy hair; therefore take care of your health and prevent high fevers, chronic illness, infections etc.
  4. Harsh chemical products like gels hair sprays, dyes etc. can damage your hair. Therefore, try to use natural products as much as possible.
  5. Avoid hairstyles which stretch and pull your hair.
  6. Visit your family doctor from time to time and also a dermatologist if you are concerned regarding hair loss.
  7. For hair loss, trioxinator which is a new device can be really helpful. This is pocket-friendly and also there is no harm in using it.

50-100 strands of hair is a normal thing so don’t get panic stricken. The above mentioned tips will help you for sure to cure your hair loss problem.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Trioxinator – A Better Way to Control Hair Loss

It has been seen that around 40% of women tend to lose their hair when they approach the age of forty. A girl might start losing her hair since the age of twenty. In case of men, 25% start to grow balder when they reach the age of thirty years. However, most of the men have a balding pattern when they reach the age of sixty years. Hair loss is a grave disorder and nowadays most of the people are getting affected with this phenomenon. Even when you are at your adolescent period, you tend to lose hair while you comb your hair. It is then that you become afraid to come in front of your looking glass.

Reasons for Hair Loss
There are various reasons for hair loss and always a disease does not cause people hair loss. Causes might be common like genetic, due to ageing and hormonal disorders. Poor nutrition can also be a cause and inadequate intake of iron, vitamin and protein can result to hair loss disorder.

Sometimes intake of some drugs and medicines due to arthritis, gout, depression and heart problems also become harmful for your hair. Excessive styling of your hair with hair gels, chemicals, dying and usage of hair products can cause baldness, alopecia, or hair loss.

Trioxinator - An effective solution to Hair Loss
Scientific research and invention has given birth to a hair loss product called trioxinator. This device generates blood flow or vascular activity to the areas of hair loss. The device or hair loss product is a relaxing massage on the hair scalp and if you use it fifteen minutes, every single day, you can grow hair and improve the quality of your hair.

A Better Alternative
Trioxinator is a better alternative to other medications, ointments and other surgeries. It avoids expensive surgery and does not contain any side effects.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Recuperate Hair Growth by a Proper Massage and Branded Hair Products

One fine morning you wake up from your slumber and you go in front of your mirror and see that you are growing balder, as a result of high amount of hair loss. How would you feel then? You might get anxious and you might get too much worried for that. Hair fall is a serious phenomenon which is affecting most of the people and nowadays, young girls and boys are getting affected with this serious problem. You tend to lose hair even if you are at a tender age and this is creating a lot of trouble, isn’t it? So how will you tackle your problem? Here, you will find the remedy to your hair loss disease.

Always use branded hair products
A person, who is suffering from hair loss, should always go for branded hair products. You should buy branded hair oil or hair shampoo which is very useful for your hair and these products give proper nourishment to your hair and protect it from falling. Avoid buying cheap products which are injurious to the hair follicles.

Massage the hair scalp
Another remedy to fight hair loss and prevent the fall of your hair is by massaging the hair scalp. You can massage your hair scalp regularly with natural hair oil. Natural hair oil or herbal hair oil is very nutritious for your hair. You can also use trioxinator and massage the hair scalp with this device. This helps you to grow a lot of hair and you can make use of this device once a day and regain the growth of your hair.